Why I Believe the FBI is Desperate and Trafficking East Bay Children and Why My Life is in Danger Because I Figured It Out!

As you know I am a God fearing man so when a voice told me to spend the next 35 years protecting women and children in the San Francisco bay, i did not hesitate. I replicated a University of California Police officer named Sean, probably the best police officer I ever met, who use to stand in front of the Berkeley Main Bart and profiled suspects even before they committed a crime and he’d then follow them. This was curiously like another U.C. police officer named Chester who was the second best cop i ever met. I used their techniques  to become the greatest hero in united states history and “wanted #1” on the local FBI’s list as they watched and harassed me for 35 years yet not once did they assist me in stopping the beatings and rape of local women.

My speculation:

As I gathered evidence on Berkley and local policing’s role in not protecting women and children i noticed more federal agents every  where i went. Eventually, when they would arrive, they would have children with or near them who would eventually walk by. nit made no sense but as i studied the FBI I noticed a trait. Before they became suspects in multiple black men’s murders. ala martin Luther king or Malcolm x, they tried to defame, discredit or dismiss them before killing them in what i believe was an attempt to make it look like a low life black man denied. Get over it. I was the newest low life and the hundreds if not thousands of women i had saved in what then around 30 years was so amazing and powerful their for some strange reason needed to stop the power of me, It sounds strange but the situation was strange. I am documented to saving women and they are documented to not only help me but are mad at me.

As more and more teens/high school age children were coming past me at first staring at me and began to figure it out. Again, I may be crazy but i suspected that they were trying to entrap me to say hi, or at least look back so they could say yeah, he may be a hero but we got all these signed statements that these females stating he looked at them. I know it sounds stupid as they are but they can actually now say after they kill me for being a black hero who has become a great man, not a great man but a deviant. a total lie and in fact the opposite but the government believes Americans are all idiots and they brag about building 7 going down in 7 seconds and no one was suspicious. its their crowning moment that they thought they were dead and we as Americans, never said anything thus stupid.

And now they would go to the “stupid Americans” and say yeah he was a hero but he was a sick black man.


  1. He hasn’t dated are showed any interest in any man or women in 35+ years
  2. No one asserts this
  3. No one says he gas done anything that would be considered a crime thus why ECPD tried to get me at least charged for being the assailant when i was obviously the victim.
  4.  I spent the last 35 years saving hundreds i not thousands of women and children
  5. Was in the process of putting together facts to prove that police officers do not protect women and children and in fact purposely only take reports when as bi showed it was very easy to prevent their attack in the first place by identifying them before they attacked.


If they did not tell these parents and children this about me with the fact that i was a suspicious black man, IS THIS NOT USING OF A CHILD FOR PERSONAL OR MONETARY GAINS THUS CHILD TRAFFIKCING?

When you add the San Francisco West Field Mall incident where an FBI woman is caught controlling the girl when she was forced come over to the child and leave when i ignore and begin laughing at the failed entrapment attempt. In fact, tried report both of them to SFPD officer Simon Hoang who blew me off as he and the SFPD was not interested in protecting a black child. Watch the video on this site.

And this is why I believe the FBI is currently and in the past trafficked children.

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